Tuesday 7 October 2008

Torchwood filming 7th October - EXCLUSIVE report and videoclips!

BEWARE - THIS REPORT MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!! Back to the Bay tonight - brrr, it's gettin' cold - to watch some dramatic filming for an episode in the forthcoming third series (or mini-series) of Torchwood. Out in the Basin, in the shadow of the Millennium Centre, a carefully-constructed debris field - boudlers, girders, rubble - has been laid across the fenced-off pedestrian area. Just after 7pm strategically-placed jets of flame are ignited and thick smoke wafts across the area. Eve Myles as Gwen Cooper takes her place on the ground amidst the rubble, having apparently been thrown clear of an explosion which has destroyed the underground Torchwood Hub and hurled debris from the explosion out into the street. Gwen stumbles to her feet, coughing and spluttering, and runs back towards the flaming rubble. Two paramedics rush onto the scene and drag her, kicking and screaming, away from the danger zone. This scene has been filmed again and again these last few hours for reasons utterly beyond my comprehension as every take looked pretty goods to my layman's eye. During the entire increasingly-tedious procedure, spirits amongst the crew and Eve seemed to remain high as the temperature slowly got lower... Anyway, on to the videoclips (the real reason you're here at all, admit it!!)...an assortment of shots of the same scene from various angles as I moved around the location with my dinky little video camera! Enjoy...and come see me again now you've paid your first visit!! :)

Stuff coming soon: Merlin - is it wizard?...Survivors old and new...more Dr Who (at last!)...Oasis v Keane v Snow Patrol - Who's best?? There's only one way to find out!! Stuff listens to their new albums!!...Plus more and more Stuff!!!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant of you to post these! Although...I can't decide if it fills the void and makes the wait for series three a bit less painful...OR, if seeing the obviously gripping storyline, just makes the wait that much more intolerable...;-)

In any case, Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Paul, you ROCK....thanks so much for sharing these vids with us....love it all!

I've posted a message as well on the DWF for you.

Cheers mate!

(PS I sorta agree with lv2bliberal though - I think it has made the wait for S3 airing a little bit intolerable - so looking forward to seeing the final cut of these scenes though)

Frank Collins said...

Paul, those clips are wonderful and thanks for allowing me to share one of them for my own blog. Even watching this footage it's very distressing to see what happens to the Hub and our lovely Gwen and Ianto.

I've linked back here from my own blog so hopefully you'll pick up a few more waifs and strays!

Many thanks,


aresnz said...

These videos are awesome, amazing, brilliant. I love the last one from the other angle. It's amazing how often they reshoot a single scene. Thanks so much for sharing these.


Paul Mount said...

Thanks for all your comments!! Makes standing there shivering with only a cup of Subway cappuccino (oh, all right, and a salami and pepperoni roll!) worthwhile. I'll be popping back tonight to see if anything else is going on...and I'll be taking my dinky little video camera with mt too!!

Thanks again all!!

Lioness said...

Thanks Paul. In that last clip it looked like the real firemen were having issues with their "stunt" fires. I wonder if that had anything to do with the retakes.

Dont Need Blog How the Hell do I remove THIS! said...

You are so fantastic!!!!

khushi said...

Even watching this footage it's very distressing to see what happens to the Hub and our lovely Gwen and Ianto.I've linked back here from my own blog so hopefully you'll pick up a few more waifs and strays!It's amazing how often they reshoot a single scene. Thanks so much for sharing these Torch Wood.

Anonymous said...

Thank Paul for sharing these great video clips of Torchwood. Its really a great videos and I appreciate that u made an effort to post here so that we can imagine how difficult it would be to shoot a single scene in this situation.