Monday 14 September 2009

Stuff is 1!!!

They said it couldn't happen. They said it shouldn't happen. They said it wouldn't happen. Actually, they didn't say any of these things but I like a dramatic opening line.

I've just realised that my World of Stuff is celebrating its FIRST anniversary. 14th September 2008 was the momentous day (well, maybe not that momentous, it's just this rambling blog, y'know) I shifted my thoughts and ramblings over from a previous online host. One year of TV charts, music, film, TV and the odd book reviews, filming reports and assorted bits'n'pieces which might be of interest or at least pass your time not too unpleasantly. Hooray for Stuff. Many thanks to those of you who have taken time out to wander back and forth over the last year (nearly 10,000 hits now....but I suspect most of them have been me just nipping in to see how many hits I've had!) and even more thanks to those of you who've posted comments now and again - even the one or two abusive idiots whose comments, oddly, didn't get published!

So onwards and upwards. Posting has been a bit slack these last two months, I'll admit - that's down to sheer laziness on my part (loads of ideas for content, finding time to sit and write it all up's the hard part) and just generally being tied up with other less interesting things. But don't despair, don't drift away; there's plenty more of the same old same old to come plus, I'm hoping, some new stuff too including a regular TV Topic column (first up the state of modern TV comedy - and what a state!), more book reviews and hopefully even some Dr Who filming location reports if and when the new TARDIS crew get out and about a bit more.

Comments and suggestions always welcome! Again, thanks for your time and stick with me - the best is yet to come.

I hope...


Frank Collins said...

Congratulations, Paul.

Keep going, mate! It's an excellent blog you've got there and although I don't comment as much as I should and would like to I have really enjoyed what you've written oveer the last year.

Cathode Ray Tube has just celebrated its second birthday and is going from strength to strength. Thanks for your comments too on the last two years of material.

If ever you need any help or advice just drop me a line.

Paul Mount said...

Thanks, Frank, much appreciated!! I meant to namedrop you,actually, because it was only when reading your 2-year anniversary bit that it occured to me I must be fast approaching my baby first! Always enjoy the hugely eclectic mix of stuff you write about and particularly love the snazzy layout of your blog. I'm much more of an ametur in that department - I just enjoy the writing of it when I get the chance! Regards again!